Korhan Özkan | PI of the Group
Research interests: Aquatic ecology, community ecology, experimental ecology, catchment sea interactions
| Google Scholar | Researcher ID | Researchgate | cv |

Mustafa Korkmaz | Associated Researcher
Research interests: Aquatic ecology, fish ecology and biodiversity, geographic variation, molecular systematic, food webs, sea turtles.

Masum Billah | Postdoctoral Researcher
Research interests: Global change ecology, ecology of coastal ecosystems (especially saltmarsh and mangroves), restoration ecology and bioavailability of metals/PAHs in the coastal sediment.
| Google Scholar |

Serhat Ertuğrul | PhD Student
Research interests: Aquatic ecology, catchment sea interactions

Archana Manjunath | PhD Student
Research interests: Microbial food webs, saline lakes, extreme events

Hasan Arslan | MSc Student
Research interests: Paleoecology, fire ecology

Yeşim Ayar | MSc Student
Co-supervised with Koray Özhan
Research interests: SGD, carbonate chemistry, catchment-sea interactions, freshwater ecology

Meltem Koru | MSc Student
Research interests: Aquatic ecology, climate change, phytoplankton

Onat Arıkan | MSc Student
Research interests: Aquatic ecology, climate change, macrophytes

Ganiye Gel | Engineer
Research interests: DIY sensors, arduino, autonomous systems
Past Members

Gültekin Yılmaz | PhD Student
Co-supervised with Meryem Beklioğlu
Research interests: Aquatic ecology, GHG dynamics, saline lakes
Currently PostDoc at University of Nebraska – Lincoln, USA

Burak Kuyumcu | MSc Student
Co-supervised with Ekin Akoğlu and Koray Özhan
Research interests: Numerical modelling, catchment-sea interactions, SGD, ecohydrology, aquatic ecology
Currently PhD student at University of Queens, Canada

Hassan Al-Najjar | Postdoctoral Researcher
Research interests: Climate changes, geospatial analysis, stochastic hydrology catchment hydrology, water resources management, marine survey, coastal modeling, seawater desalination, wastewater treatment.
| Google Scholar |

Saba Başkır | PhD Student (left for a proffesion in art)
Research interests: Paleoecology, diatom ecology, stable isotope, food webs, hydroacoustics, cetacean foraging ecology

Kaan Özgencil | MSc 2019
Co-supervised with Meryem Beklioğlu
Research interests: Submerged macrophytes and winter water birds using paleoecology
Currently PhD student at METU Biology

Batuhan Çağrı Yapan | MSc 2018
Thesis Topic: Genetics and conservation of Audouin’s Gull
Currently PhD at Geomar, Germany

Fatıma Nur Oğul | MSc 2019
Co-supevised with Arzu Karahan and Ahmet Kıdeyş
Research interests: Population genetics and conservation of sea turtles
Currently PhD at METU IMS

Eric Rayne | MSc Student
At Earth Systems Science
Research interests: Community ecology, the functional ecology of birds

İdil Ilgaz Kaya | Undergraduate Intern
Research interests: Machine learning, aquatic ecology, groundwater, non-linear systems
Currently Guest Student at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Ahmet Kubilay Hazar | Undergraduate Intern
Research interests: Conservation and restoration, biodiversity

Yasemin Can | Graduate Intern 2021-2022
Research interests: Aquatic ecology, coral reef conservation, climate change
Currently at the University of Florida

Osman Berk Bile | Undergraduate Intern 2021
Research interests: Aquatic ecology, GHG, Sea acoustics

Özlem Aslan | Undergraduate Intern 2019-2020
Research interests: Paleoecology, stable isotope

Melisa Bal | Undergraduate Intern 2016
Research interests: Conservation, ghost crabs
Currently Graduate Student at Istanbul University

Franziska Huber | Undergraduate Intern 2014
Co-supervised with Ahmet Kıdeyş
Research interests: Conservation, sea turtles